"After all, greatness is not for everybody." - Kobe Bryant

Brands of epiccw


Epiccw is aimed at creating high quality content across multiple different platforms as a multimedia brand with videos on Youtube and X, Articles on X and epiccw.net and content on instagram. This includes epiccw as a brand and the content from Curtis owner and founder of Epiccw LLC. Curtis’s personal content is represented with a 2001 picture of him next to a Kevin Harvick car and epiccw brand content has the iconic epiccw E Logo. epiccw aims to include many brands to promote and represent epiccw content.

Handmade by Hope

Handmade by Hope is a brand focused on the creation of handmade bracelets. They are high quality handmade made products, which is something that is super enjoyable especially in a time of mass production of everything that we have in society. This is a great brand to have as part of epiccw.


Shredder is a brand of content creation with origins similar to epiccw. Jonathan runs the shredder YouTube, X and Instagram accounts. Creating quality gaming content of games including, GTA Online, Wreckfest, Fortnite and Call of Duty. Jonathan is also series co-host of the GTA Online Race Playlist on the epiccw Youtube and X. Shredder is in a early stage of development and but will quickly be a asset to the growth of the epiccw brand.