Comparing the Kansas City Chiefs and New England Patriots dominance
The Patriots had a genuinely good team each season with an inevitably about them winning each year due to the fact the team had an all time great coach and all time great QB. Being a Jets fan and living in New England adds to the insufferably of that dynasty. It was fun though to root against them weekly, genuinely caring about if they won or lost was amazing, each Patriots loss was genuinely something to celebrate, it was amazing to root against them. No matter how much they were down, somehow they came back. They did cheat to a few Super Bowls and definitely got questionable calls which was frustrating yet somehow the Chiefs get more.
As for the Chiefs, what makes them obnoxious is how in your face they are. You can’t go anywhere without seeing something Chiefs related, the media hype about how amazing they are and the fact every player is on some ad it’s insane. The team isn’t as good, they have an all time great coach just like the Patriots but QB wise, no. Mahomes isn’t great, he’s all time soft. Flopping for calls and begging for calls isn’t football. Each Chiefs player has adopted flopping, Kelce being one of the worst. The Chiefs in the 2024 season are specifically unimpressive. Having only 4 wins by more than 7 points isn’t impressive, they are a weak team carried by the NFL’s desire to be entertainment and not a sport. A chiefs 3-peat would do irreparable damage to the sport.
Overall the Patriots were a dynasty of dominance and favorable calls that you loved to root against. The Chiefs are a “dynasty” of unseen levels of league assistance and soft, lame and overrated players somehow put in a favorable position. I’ve never seen a team in a sport get as much hate when they dominate. Sure people don’t like winners but when winners are gifted wins and don’t earn anything it’s not really winning and people hate it. Hopefully the League changes but Chiefs dominance will hurt the NFL. Finally having the AFC go straight from Patriots to Chiefs dominance is unfortunate and likely hurts people’s opinions of them, basically since 2000 it’s been Patriots and Chiefs dominance.